
Once upon a time I thought that letting property looked like a jolly good way to make a few bob…..

Then I started helping a friend with the letting of a property.

And there the fairy tale ended.



Well.  Not quite the end.

The essential requirement of the whole enterprise is, of course, tenants.  And therein lies the issue.  Tenants can, on paper, appear to be everything a Landlord could possibly hope for.  But let’s think for a moment about the circumstances in which a Landlord may find himself penning a reference.  Notice has probably been served on the tenants and it is now that nail biting time when the Landlord waits to see whether the tenants will leave without the need for Court proceedings, without trashing the house (because they’ve done so much damage already that they know that they’re not going to get their deposit back), without having a leaving party necessitating the intervention of riot police etc…   When the tenants ask the Landlord for a reference to aid in their hunt for another abode the Landlord is hugely relieved at this indication that they intend to go without much ado.  Is it not just possible therefore that the Landlord might be a teensy bit generous in that reference??!!!

I have learned that it pays to ask questions.  Credit checks and references are just a start.  A comprehensive background check is a different matter and goes far more to the character to your prospective tenant.  If you are letting property in Cornwall (or indeed further afield) Bodmin Enquiry & Court Agents can undertake a THOROUGH background check on your prospective tenant(s).  Of course we can’t guarantee that you won’t experience any problems at all but we can give you the very best chance of a trouble free tenancy.

Call Emma on 01208 590955 to discuss how Bodmin Enquiry & Court Agents can support you as a Landlord.

We look forward to your call.



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